Saturday, March 24, 2007

Some Benefits of Mothers Staying Home

Baby-sitters do not have the same love for children as their mothers do. During these special years the mother misses out on the joy of raising that child! Those years go fast and never come back They are gone forever!

The mother can observe their talents and help those talents increase. They have time to sit down and cuddle them when they need the most cuddling and loving. What a joy to children to have their mothers read to them as they are growing up. Teenagers need their mothers home at the crossroads of life. This is when they get into the most trouble if left free to do as they please. They need to learn the laws of being law-abiding citizens.

Let's put mothers back in the home and fathers the wage earners. Parents feel they have to work to give their children the financial advantage they need. But much more important to a child than "things"is to have a loving mother at home all the time!

- Rae Olsen

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